FSM to receive COVID-19 Vaccine, FSM founding Father passes

Just in time for Christmas and the new year! The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM )is set to receive the first phase of COVID-19 vaccines by Christmas, according to the FSMPIO.  What great news! It almost seems like the travel ban was worth it? I mean, if this vaccine works and we receive it, get some immunity, we in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) will have effectively kicked COVID-19 in the behind!  That is an accomplishment worth celebrating, don't you think?

The FSM expects to receive 9,800 doses of Moderna vaccine in the first distribution phase, of which 1,600 doses are expected to arrive by Christmas 2020, equivalent to 800 individuals becoming vaccinated. Each person taking the vaccine must take two doses, spaced out over twenty-eight (28) days. The vials must be kept frozen, and then stored in a refrigerator prior to use. Additional shipments of vaccines will continue on a regular basis.

 The amount of vaccine at any given time is dependent upon Moderna’s capacity to produce it, but the FSM National Government is hopeful that it will receive enough supply of vaccine to reach the needed coverage rate to protect the FSM population against the COVID-19 disease.

Front line workers of course will be one of the first to receive the vaccine. This will be followed by the elderly, people with underlying medical conditions... etc, etc.. we have heard the priority rating already.  Just get that bad boy over here ASAP.  

Founding Father passes

Also from the FSM National Government, the nation has lost one of its founding fathers.  The late Rev. Bethwel Henry was the first speaker of the FSM Congress and a long time influential and legendary public servant.  From the early Trust Territory Days to the formation and standing up of this nation, he was there at the beginning, in the highest levels of Government.  

The FSM National Government held a state funeral for the late Mr. Henry at the FSM Congress Chambers on December 21, 2020.  The President of the FSM, Governor of Pohnpei, Vice Speaker of the FSM Congress, and Former Ambassador to the USA, Mr. Asterio Takesy, all gave moving powerful words of praise and gratitude to the legacy of Mr. Henry.  An end of an era is what Pohnpei State's Governor Oliver said.  This is true.  He was the last of those who founded the FSM, who created a nation.  

Our Nation Today

I often think of those men who founded this nation, and wonder what the hell happened to our generation today? Many of the people I speak with today talk like we are still a territory of the USA.  Many of our younger generation who were born after the creation of the FSM think we are not a sovereign nation, but that we are bound to the USA no matter what happens and any diplomatic relations we have as a sovereign nation is some sort of betrayal to the USA. This is especially true with the People's Republic of China.  We have and have had diplomatic relations with China since the beginning of our country.  This is what sovereign nations do.  We are not a colony like Guam who cannot even put a dent in our migration to their island or sit at the negotiation table when we are re-negotiating our compact of free association with the USA, why? Because we (FSM, RMI, and Palau) are in a compact of free association with the USA and Guam is her colony.  

What sort of country have our founding fathers left us today? Would they be proud of the direction our nation is taking? Would they be happy to know how some of our people see our nation? How did they think of our nation, those who created it?  

I had the honor and privilege of having lunch with one of those old-timers, recently.  It was encouraging to hear him speak of the old days.  The excitement of building a nation, serving the people, creating a future for our next generation was what we spoke about.  We also spoke about responsibility, integrity, vision, and honesty.  These are the tools that our forefathers had to build our nation.  They took the work, whatever work it was, seriously.  They looked to the future and sought to build for their children and future generations.  They spoke plainly and truthfully.  Authenticity was their style. It's refreshing to be around authentic, responsible, and visionary people, whatever age they may be.  

 The new year approaches, after one of the craziest years that anyone can claim in recent memory - globally.  I hope we learned a thing or two from this pandemic.  They say adversity is necessary to build character in people.  I hope this year offered enough adversity to do just that.  We shall see in 2021. 

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Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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