Immunizing the Herd: Herd Immunity and Mandatory Vaccinations in Micronesia

We are on a roll.  With the introduction of the MODERNA COVID-19 vaccine in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) and advice from Dr. Fauci in a video made especially for the People of Micronesia with the US Ambassador to the FSM, we are on a roll!  FSM is shooting for 70 % of the population to be immunized.  This is a step in the right direction to get things back to normal, or at least get the international flights coming in.  

So far, according to the FSM Public Information Office, the nation is sitting at 10% fully immunized. That means 10% of the Nation has completed the two-shot series.   Great news!  We are on a roll, right?  Herd Immunity is right around the corner.  There will also be the new Johnson & Johnson single-dose/shot COVID-19 vaccine that will be available soon, courtesy of our former colonizer and now partner on the international sovereign nation scene, the USA.  That should help us to reach the 70% herd immunity goal in the FSM, sooner than later. 

So, until that time, how do we encourage people to get immunized?  Get yourself immunized.  

The immunization is voluntary.  No one is forcing anyone to get the vaccination.  If you are being forced, kindly remind the idiot that is forcing you, that you and everyone have the choice to take it or leave it.   Here is another valuable piece of information on voluntary medical issues.  Your medical information, including whether or not you take any shot, pill, finger up the poop shooter, or any type of medical procedure, is private.  If you choose to publicize your voluntary COVID-19 shot, pap smear, or prostate exam on social media, great! Not everyone will be the same.  

Remember, until it becomes mandatory (probably never), each and every person has the right to refuse the vaccine. However, let us look to the experts to guide us in making these individual choices.  

Here are some points to consider from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

Information on how well the MODERNA vaccine works

  • Based on evidence from clinical trials, the Moderna vaccine was 94.1% effective at preventing laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 illness in people who received two doses who had no evidence of being previously infected.
  • The vaccine appeared to have high effectiveness in clinical trials (efficacy) among people of diverse age, sex, race, and ethnicity categories and among persons with underlying medical conditions.
  • Although few people in the clinical trials were admitted to the hospital, this happened less often in the people who got the Moderna vaccine compared to people who got the saline placebo.
  • CDC will continue to provide updates as we learn more about how well the Moderna vaccine works in real-world conditions. (This point is scary to me... )

Make your choice, using the available information from the experts like the CDC and WHO, because it is only yours to make.  The idea behind "herd immunity" is to get as many people vaccinated, which in turn indirectly protects those who are not vaccinated yet.  Yes, there will be some who do not take it for a variety of reasons, this is a fact for all immunizations.  For those who can and are willing to do so, lead the herd and get immunized! 

To put it in a famous US Naval Hero's words: Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!

See you on the next blog.


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 Image by Ri Butov from Pixabay

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