Holiday in the Islands: Time to reflect

It's the holiday season in the islands, again! 

In spite of the pandemic, flight restrictions, fake news flying all over the web, and all the other holiday bruhaha, it's the most wonderful time to be here in the islands!

If you are lucky enough to have returned on one of the repatriation flights to Pohnpei, Chuuk, Kosrae, or Yap, this will indeed be a very merry Christmas!  There will be no repatriation flights, according to the FSM National Government until the new year, 2022.  

Here in Pohnpei, 2021 seemed just as long and as eventful as 2020 when the global pandemic slapped us in the face.  Looking back, I am extremely grateful for all the things I have in my life: My family, my health, my job, my friends, and living here in Pohnpei.  

Being connected via the internet, it's almost impossible not to notice that the world has gone haywire.  The COVID-19 variants, fake news, mis and dis-information, Trump, Biden, China, and more. But, is it really that bad? In our peaceful, isolated corner of the world the latest headlines are concerning a kiwi who works for the FSM National Government charged with human trafficking, a possible suspected but unconfirmed COVID19 case in Pohnpei, which turned out to be a false positive, Yap Governor Falan impeached and Christmas has come and gone and the New Year is upon us.  

Headlines aside, life moves on.  The island way.  Not fast, not too slow, but just about the right speed.  The schools are doing their own parades, throwing candies and christmas cheer before going on break, Kolonia town is lit up like I've never seen, sakau markets are still serving their brown feel good juice and families are doing their parties and get-togethers while the kids tik tok in the back ground.  Yes, it's definitely Christmas time in the islands. 

Looking Back

Reflecting on the past year, it is an honor and privilege to be able to look back.  I remember so many young people, in their 30's and 40's had passed away.  It was quite shocking.  Makes one look at life with a different perspective, especially if that is your age group.  All of sudden, life just got shorter, and a bit more meaningful.  Hopefully that feeling does not fade.  Because, the truth is we don't know when we are leaving, and can only enjoy this existence day by day, moment by moment. Make sure each and every moment counts.  

What's Next?

Moving to the new year, I hope and I know many people hope for big changes.  Here in the FSM, dropping the travel restriction is one of those changes. That would definitely make life a bit more "normal" for many people.  We love to travel, even though it costs an arm and a leg, we will travel.  It's in our blood, like our ancestors who travelled vast distances and then settled only to continue traveling for education and opportunity abroad in the modern age.  Another change hoped for is that the compact negotiations continue with the appropriate relevant officials from the US for an international agreement of such importance.  I remember a time in the not too distant past when two Secretaries of the USA (State and VA affairs) came to the FSM in the same year! That was something else! How important was the FSM to the USA then? I'm sure we are still as important now as ever.  Let's see it.  The biggest change I think for many people is that life returns to "normal" and we no longer have to worry about new strains of viruses, death counts, mandates, masks, etc.  

I think everyone is just hoping for a better life.  To realize their goals, share with family and friends and leave a legacy for their children.  Who doesn't want that? 

Micro (Nesian) Perspective

It's good to live in the 21st century in the FSM.  It's good to know that we are still COVID-19 free.  It's good to know that life moves on and to have something to look forward to.  It's good also to look back and say that was a good year, even though it wasn't.  Because if you are looking back from a good, comfortable spot, why ruin it?  It's good, because you made it through.  It's coming to an end, and you are still here.  Now go forward, live life and prosper! It's all good. 

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