Vaccinations required in the FSM? Really? Why?

Recently, the FSM National Government amended the nationwide public health emergency.  One of the amendments was concerning immunizations.  Here is the actual wording, found on page 17

“All FSM citizens residing in the FSM are required to undergo COVID-19 vaccination subject to the protocol of the Task Force.”

If you want to read the whole thing, here is the link: Amended public health emergency

Well, what do you think? Is this consistent? Consistent with what you say? Well, consistent with the fundamental beliefs we have as a nation? You know.... the FSM Constitution? The blueprint upon which all of our laws, systems, processes derive from? Let us see.

Before I express my views on this landmark decision by the FSM Congress, allow me to refer to that blueprint, under Article IV, Declaration of Rights, Section 1:

Section 1.  No law may deny or impair freedom of expression, peaceable assembly, association, or petition.

Case annotations:  Right of citizens to express their views, including views critical of public officials, is fundamental to development of a healthy political system.  Therefore, courts are generally reluctant to find that expression of opinions asserted outside of the court itself, however intemperate or misguided, constitute contempt of court.  In re Iriarte (I), 1 FSM Intrm. 239, 247-48 (Pon. 1983).

Ok, now that we have that straight, as a private citizen of the Federated States of Micronesia, allow me to proceed.

I understand the logic behind "All FSM citizens... required to undergo COVID-19 vaccination" I really do. Vaccination against this deadly virus is the best weapon, the best defense we have. This will help the country reach herd immunity. Next to closing all of our borders, this is a great defense measure. So far, the closing of our borders has worked. We are still COVID-19 free.

Here is where I and maybe others are questioning this requirement. If you look back at Section 1 of Article IV of the FSM Constitution again, it talks about no law (or even a declaration?) may deny or impair freedom of expression, peaceable assembly, association, or petition? Yeah, that one. If one refuses to take the "required" COVID-19 vaccination, is that his/her right of expression? Freedom of expression, as I understand it is the freedom to express yourself one way or another. The freedom to express my opinion or beliefs through words and actions. I am free, to express myself, right? According to the FSM Constitutions Article IV, Section? Except of course in cases where you cry out fire in a theatre and there is none. You have now endangered people through a false alarm and possible stampeding situation.

The question now becomes, if one refuses to take the COVID-19 vaccination, are they endangering the lives of others? From what I have heard and read so far, it is the unvaccinated people that are the ones getting sick themselves.

I would really love to hear from others on this, are we truly "required" to undergo this vaccination? Like constitutionally and truly required?

Here is my point. I believe in getting vaccinated. I have vaccinated myself and my family who are above 18, have been vaccinated. I am not concerned about who needs to get vaccinated or not. Any responsible adult can make that determination themselves. The national percentage of COVID-19 vaccination coverage is currently over 50% and climbing. There are efforts across the nation to get people immunized. Awareness efforts, incentive efforts, and daily reminders. People are aware, people know and the more they know and are aware, the more people are vaccinated.

I am concerned that, the blueprint and guiding principles of our very existence as a Government, a people, and a Sovereign nation is not being considered. If we are not consistent with our blueprint and guiding principles, we will be consistent with nothing. What else will we compromise? What other requirements have we taken that have not been required? Where does it end?

In the meantime, I hope that the FSM Congress did in fact consult the States Governments before making this a "requirement". It will be the State Governments, who will be implementing this sort of requirement. It seems a bit pre-mature and even dangerous to enter into such a "requirement" without first consulting the people who will be making it happen if that is the case. If not, let us refer back to the FSM Constitution.

Thank you.


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